With over 20+ years in the pet industry, Tess is an absolute dog guru. She is a certified Companion Animal Hygienist (CAH) and pays careful attention to detail with high quality individualized service to meet your dog’s needs. Tess believes in caring for the whole dog, their mind, and body. Using her knowledge of animal nutrition, Ayurveda for dogs, Tellington Touch (T-Touch), animal communication and both flower essences and essential oils, Tess has perfected her craft of calming and comforting dogs in her care to achieve optimum physical and behavioral results.
What is a Peticure?
Tess starts by using a flower essence remedies during a T-Touch massage to help your pet relax. Instead of the traditional clippers she uses a Dremel tool to file the nails back. Then she hand-files and hand-buff each nail for a smooth and polished finish. Your pet’s nails will be short and left with no sharp or ragged edges that can catch on fabrics or carpeting. The best part is that this is stress-free, pain-free process for your four legged loved ones!

Peticures By Tess uses Blackwingfarms. Each Peticure starts with one of Blackwingfarms flower essences such as Calm Balm, Brave Balm, Drama Trauma and many others. This results in a more confident, calm and relaxed dog, allowing for an easy comfortable, painless Peticure.
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